Our Fees
Business Package
In STARTING your small business, a rate of R 4 980.00 will be charged for providing an assessment of a business concept or opportunity.
Business Package
In MONITORING your small business rate of R 15 000.00 will be charged for services rendered dependent on level of engagement for prospective clients who need our services to monitor their business.
Business Package
In GROWING your small business, a rate of R 8 750.00 will be charged for a standard engagement for strategic advice on market and product analysis.
Medium Size Companies Business Packages
A rate of R 21 500.00 will be charged for services rendered dependent on level of engagement for prospective clients who need our services to grow and or provide business rescue interventions for their business.
Business Package
In MANAGING your small business, a rate of R 12 375.00 will be charged for providing technical and management support to small business owners.
Public Sector and NGO Support Packages
A rate of R 25 000.00 * will be charged for services rendered dependent on level of engagement for prospective clients who need our services to provide independent oversight in reviewing strategies and evaluating performance.