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Confectionery Shop Owner

Asakhe Fund

We understand at times that, the operating environment may begin to affect your cash flows periodically. It usually happens at a time when you have exhausted all other options in attempting to keep things together. Your customers are still requiring your services, however, you do not have the inventory to provide them.  This will mean that, you may need to access cash on easy terms to ensure that you can keep operations going. 


We have come up with a fund that is available to you on demand as and when the need arises. This is designed to be a revolving facility that you can access over and over again until your business is in a stable position. 


We usually take between 24 to 48 hours to approve your application, how are requirements are that 


1. Your business has been trading for over 24 months at the same location. 
2. You are a cash-only business 
3. You operate within the retail and social entertainment sectors 
4. You can prove that the facility would be used only for inventory and not for operating expenses 
5. You are able to pay back the facility within either 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 30 days


Should you be able to meet the above criteria, kindly complete the form below and alone sales agent will be in touch with you shortly

Apply for funding

Please complete the form below: 

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